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Printer control and administration

Operating systemsDrivers

cab provides drivers to control a printer with software other than cablabel S3.

Free download on Support.




cab printers embed JScript language. Download programming manuals for free:

Brief Introduction to cab Printer Programming (PDF; 7.5 MB)
Programming Manual for SQUIX, MACH 4S, EOS2/EOS5, HERMES Q, PX Q (PDF; 8.5 MB)

ABCabc Basic Compiler
Integral to the firmware, abc in addition to JScript enables advanced programming before data are edited for printout. For example, external printer languages can be replaced without intervening in a print job in progress. Data may be imported as well from other systems such as scales, barcode scanners or PLC.

Connecting to SAP®

Labels can be printed from SAP1)  on cab devices and systems. There are various methods:

  • Printing with SAPscript
  • Printing with SmartForms
  • Printing with Adobe Interactive Forms

See instructions in detail on www.cab.de/en/sap

Printer administration

ConfigurationConfiguration on the Intranet / Internet
Integral HTTP / FTP servers enable a printer be controlled or configured, firmware be updated and memory cards be administrated using standard applications such as a web browser or a FTP client. Administrators and operators on behalf of SNMP / SMTP are notified of states, alerts and errors by email or SNMP datagrams. Time and date are synchronized by a time server.

DatabaseDatabase Connector
Printers in a network may access data from a ODBC / OLEDB database and print it on labels. Data can be rewritten to a database while print jobs are in progress.

Stand-alone operation

This operating mode enables a printer select and print labels while not connected to a host system. Labels can be designed using software such as cablabel S3 or a text editor on a PC. Label formats, texts, graphics and data of a database can be stored on a memory card, a USB stick or a printer's IFFS memory. Only variable data are sent by a keyboard, a barcode scanner, a scale or any other host system to a printer, or be recalled by the Database Connector from a host and printed.

  1. SAP and associated logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE.

cab Produkttechnik GmbH & Co KG

Wilhelm-Schickard-Str. 14
76131 Karlsruhe

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