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SQUIX applicators

SQUIX applicators

SQ 1000 applicator

SQ 1000 is a further development of the proven S1000 applicator, fully compatible, adding extra functions.

SQ 3200 applicator

Printed labels are applied to products automatically. For this purpose, labels are set 45° to 95° to the horizontal by a rotary cylinder and move towards products by means of a a short-stroke cylinder.

S5104, S5104 M, S5106 demand modules

Items can be labeled in motion on a conveyor. A product sensor detects the target position of a label. While a label is peeled off, the next one is printed.

All-around labeler

Cylindric items can be labeled on a 360° circumference. They are placed onto rollers. Label applications are triggered by a hand switch or a foot switch.

Tube applicator AXON 2

Fast and reliable allocation of samples in labs with horizontal tube/vial position.

Wrap-around applicator WICON

Cylindric items of diameters 2 mm to 16 mm, such as single wires, strands, cables, hoses, tubes or round rods, can be labeled with the wrap-around applicator.

cab Produkttechnik GmbH & Co KG

Wilhelm-Schickard-Str. 14
76131 Karlsruhe

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